甘肃岷县豪横美食,牛骨头糊糊,牦牛肉蘸椒盐吃,阿星喝骨汤稀饭Traditional snack yak bone porridge in Gansu

甘肃岷县豪横美食,牛骨头糊糊,牦牛肉蘸椒盐吃,阿星喝骨汤稀饭Traditional snack yak bone porridge in Gansu
Minxian County is located in Dingxi, Gansu, on the edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where there is a habit of eating yak meat. The whole yak skeleton is boiled in a large pot and boiled for a whole day. The meat is fragrant and the soup is thick and delicious. Yak head, tripe, and yak bones are eaten with salt and pepper in various parts of the yak. The meat is fragrant and original, and there is a porridge made from bone broth. AXing ate the meat in a big bowl and drank the soup.